January 2 General Meeting
Guest Speaker Bob Erickson
Recollections of 30 years in the oil industry
Introduced and thanked by Randy Mains
Thursday January 2nd , 2025
Greeter: Jack Parry
50/50 Draw: Harry Moore
Call to Order 10:00 am by President Doug Watt
Announcement: Peter Keith Murray’s partner Margaret passed away this morning.
Introduction of Guests:
Craig MacKenzie introduced by Ralph Salomons
Mike Jellinek introduced by Andy Rosequist
Business Arising/New Business
1   Interclub meeting-VP Randy Mains, Michael McLoughlin, and Doug Watt attended a meeting of the 6 South Island clubs, November 21 st , organized by District 1 Director Ian Kennedy. This was an exchange of ideas
between clubs.
  •  All clubs dealing with aging membership
  •  Some clubs advertise a particularly interesting speaker to lure new members
  •  Discussion on setting up a speaker’s website for clubs to share information on interesting speakers
  •  Our dues are at the low end of the scale-some clubs are at $100.
  •  Honorarium for speakers $50-$100. One club $200 to a charity
2.   Christmas luncheon -Barry Hawkeswood
Executive Reports
Past President Don Lambourne
Ron Juriet reported that Don Malins is in hospital
Barry Hawkeswood reported that Terry Mackian. Has completed chemotherapy and is awaiting results.
Treasurer: Noel Currie absent (in Belize) bank balance is $3468.
Secretary: Gord Skultety absent
Membership: Brian Muir, we have 72 members and 1 application. 32 in attendance with 2 guests.
Speakers: Randy Mains
  • February speaker is John Harper, Deputy Station Manager for Royal Canadian Marine Rescue Station
  • March speaker is Doug Ross speaking on AI
Events: Michael McLoughlin committee meeting January 18-working on tour of Coast Guard Station.
Activity Reports
Golf: Doug Watt
Friday Golf now at the Ridge at Cordova Bay
Monthly Golf-Ron Gurney
date are set for April-August to be published in Club Runner
Hoppy Club:
every Tuesday 3:00 pm please don’t wait for a reminder
Wine and Dine Group: no report
Bridge Group:
starts up again on Thursday January 9th
50/50 Draw: won by Michael McLoughlin- $40.
Next General Meeting February 6th , 2025 at the Mary Winspear Centre
Next Management Committee Meeting January 14th , 1:30 at the home of the President
Adjournment 11:40